domingo, 25 de diciembre de 2011
sábado, 24 de diciembre de 2011
Merry Christmas Everyone!
at 15:32So finally the best time of the year has arrived. The smell of tamales and the mouthwatering pork fill the house. This christmas will be so amazingly perfect, as always. Enjoy the holidays people. Enjoy every day with your family. Enjoy every minute with happiness. Make every second last more than the one that passed.
Love you guys, see you at the next post :)
By the way be sure to check out my new tumblr : http://little-singing-monster.tumblr.com/
Tagged and Sorted on: Christmas, family, motivational posts, Simply Happy
domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011
Thanksgiving 2011
at 9:29Have you ever had those days, where eventhough you are torn to peices you manage to suck it up and stitch the best smile you can find among those pieces and show the world how happy you are? Well, that's what I've been doing these past weeks, with no happiness to share to my fellow readers. But this past thanksgiving I had the best times.
As you might know I am a Senior, which means I have some privileges. In my school it is imperative for the seniors to waltz. Only them, only the seniors and their dates. My date was my one and only bestfreind. He couldn't possible be my best choice. Why? Well, it was my first time waltzing, my first time wearing super big heels and my first time with a "date". So he was my perfect choice.
Since I lost my other besties, not lost but for a while I've decided to take some time. I'll still talk to them, but it will never be the same. Anyways I'll retell the day for you guys.
I woke up on Wednesday morning, I had washed my hair the night before so It was perfectly tidy. I took a shower and went upstairs again to my room. Since my hair was dry I ironed it (eventhoug my hair is straight, but I asked Xavier how he thought I should arrange it and he said super straight and Mario said that also, so... you figure why I finally gave used to my dusty iron.) Anyhow I dressed up with my cheetah print dress and instead of placing my heels on I grabbed my white flats. Some makeup, gloss and perfume with a pair of silver earring and my purple cute new watch were the finall touches.
After arriving to school, it was wierd. Everyone, and by everyone I mean those superficial girls, stared at my feet. Why? Because I arrived with flats instead of heels. But before recess BAAM!! I changed to my rocking black heels. So recess passed and I hadn't seen Xavier. Did he come to school? Did he? Did he stood me up? Well, he did came I saw him but he was too far away for me to say hi.
After recess we took some pictures (some that I'll leave for you at the end of this post.) And we also wrot on the class's windows with some special crayons. Then Xavier arrived to my class because it was time for us, Seniors, to get ready foor our entrance. So we first sat down at our table. Titi and "Beiber" (a random guy that is so wierd Titi never knew how she accepted to be his date), Alvaro (my loyal friend, you'll hear more about him) and his date Andrea (or Chinita "Little Chinese Girl"), Shelby (my kindergarten bestie she is like my sister) and her date Daniel (a wierd funny guy, you'll here more about him too) and me and Xavier.
We then had to waltz, it was pretty good. After all, I had practiced with Mario and my sister. Thank God I had because when practicing I kicked their kness, I wanted to take control but they aregued it was the man not the woman who led the dance. (those thoughts were daggers for my feminist philosophy). So then we had some awards given for our teacher, from the most Handsome to the most Lazy. It was so much fun. I sang every song played with Shelby, Xavier was busy texting (he's Xavier he has his own species).
Then the best part of the day came, the balloon wish. All highschool gathered at the basketball court outside and we let the helium ballon in our hands fly away with a written wish or "I am thankful for..." message.
. Friends are the most important part of your life. Treasure the tears, treasure the laughter, but most importantly, treasure the memories. - Dave Brenner
Tagged and Sorted on: Alvaro, Daniel, Memories, Senior Year 2011-2012, Shelby, Simply Happy, teen life, teenager, Thanksgiving, Titi, Xavier
lunes, 8 de agosto de 2011
First Day OVER
at 8:57So today was my first day (lame beginning for blog post but hey, this day wasn't the best either... ) and I sort of enjoyed it...
Tagged and Sorted on: Lame, nothing to do, Senior Year 2011-2012
jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011
My Artistic Side
at 15:06Art is in my veins, I even think it surpasses the amount of oxygen I actually have running inside the blood. My uncle (or my grandma's brother) he was the youngest of 9 brothers and one of my first inspiration Gurus (:
Sadly (And I blame my luck which lives in another dimension) he died ):
But, (here is where I thank my good deeds for giving me good karma) he didn't left to the fluffy heavens without making me his pupil.
He showed me how he drew, not teach, everything I know from Art was because I was gifted (with the talent not knowledge) not the best artist but I can draw proportions and angles and shades. The rest of the knowledge was because of my not so talented art teachers at school, although the best teacher I've had was Art Teacher # 4. He knew his things. I was excruciatingly amazed when he told me he had actually studied Art. :')
He also showed me how to play the piano. First he made me decide what intrsument I wanted to work with. He had a couple of violins, another pair of pianos and like one guitar. I chose the piano. I only got through the first lullaby book. But what is learned is never forgotten. So about a month ago I recovered my skills but had no piano at all. I had one but it was small and had no charger.
And this is the part where I get visited from another dimension.
My luck came from its parallel universe perpendicular universe (because it crossed over) and made me find the eight year lost charger. ALELUYA ALELUYA ALEEELUUUYAAA!!
First song I learned: The Edge of Glory.
miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011
Senior To Be
at 18:11Tagged and Sorted on: Senior Year 2011-2012
jueves, 21 de julio de 2011
French Fries Frenzy
at 18:45Tagged and Sorted on: food and snacks, nothing to do
Boundless Brownies!!
at 13:24Tagged and Sorted on: food and snacks, nothing to do
miércoles, 20 de julio de 2011
Chips & Cheese
at 13:51Tagged and Sorted on: food and snacks, nothing to do
martes, 19 de julio de 2011
My Nail Art
at 16:27Tagged and Sorted on: art, My Nails, nothing to do
lunes, 18 de julio de 2011
own car []
cell phone [$]
own phone line []
own bathroom []
own bedroom [$]
boyfriend []
2 or more story house [$]
built-in pool []
game room []
guest house []
t.v in your room [$]
cheerleader []
double bed (full, queen or king size bed) []
more than 2O pairs of shoes []
1O or more things from a designer store []
good grades [$]
Dior sunglasses []
Coach or Juicy purse []
iPod []
PS3 []
Mercedes Benz []
basketball hoop []
pool table []
air hockey table []
trampoline []
LIVES on a lake or pond []
owns a snowboard []
owns skiis []
has a boat []
has a jet ski []
owns a beach house []
only child []
stereo system in bedroom [$]
DVD player in bedroom []
pink walls []
3O+ dvd's [$]
gets $5O+ for allowance each month []
goes shopping twice or more a month [$]
shops at Abercrombie& Fitch []
makeup []
perfume from Victoria's Secret [$]
AIM []
MSN [$]
Yahoo! []
5+ trophies []
own digital camera []
dirt bike []
electric scooter []
4X4 truck []
walk-in closet []
guitar and/or drums []
hammock []
been on a cruise []
traveled out of the country []
fitness room in house []
personal fit trainer []
expensive jewelery []
met a celeb []
hair straightener [$]
curling iron [$]
on a sports team for school []
$1OO+ in purse right now []
own savings account []
1+ BEST friends [$]
shopped in NYC []
has had a HUGE sweet sixteen []
lives on private property [$]
license []
moved 3+ times [$]
family-owned sports car []
hot tub []
pet(s) []
ranch []
AT&T []
Verison Wireless []
T- Mobile []
Sprint / other []
been to 5+ states in the U.S []
works at a store like Hollister []
5O+ buddies on messenger []
alarm clock [$]
eats out 2+ times a week []
been in a limo []
own laptop [$]
own camcorder []
15 $'s
Tagged and Sorted on: nothing to do, surveys
Back On Track
at 20:17Tagged and Sorted on: books, writers block
sábado, 16 de julio de 2011
My Room : Limited Entrance!
at 18:17Tagged and Sorted on: annoyed, annoying kids
viernes, 15 de julio de 2011
A baby is born! (:
at 17:52viernes, 8 de julio de 2011
Life: A game that loads in 9 months.
at 9:29jueves, 7 de julio de 2011
at 16:44miércoles, 6 de julio de 2011
Oops! I did it again!
at 19:13martes, 5 de julio de 2011
Singing Day History
at 18:52sábado, 2 de julio de 2011
FunDay Yesterday!
at 18:40jueves, 30 de junio de 2011
Good bye nice climate! Hello heat! -_____________-
at 13:14martes, 28 de junio de 2011
Leave my shoes ALONE!
at 13:03sábado, 25 de junio de 2011
Step Over The Rainbow :)
at 18:02

Tagged and Sorted on: motivational posts
jueves, 23 de junio de 2011
"What do you wanna be when you grow up?"
at 16:35That question, the famous question we are always asked and through time it changes from the answers to how it is asked.
Tagged and Sorted on: motivational posts
Impressive Posts
I saw that quote on Mtv and found it interesting. Anyhow my cousin will come to this world today. You see he weighs 9.33 lbs! He's to...
My sister baked brownies about 15 minutes ago. I just love the smell you an sense when they are about to be ready. The best part is when yo...
Yeah, my afternoon snack. Peace, Love & Drama Anonymous Ann :) PS: I'm planning on changing my username ;)
So this summer I had a lot of free time, more than other summers. I never knew why, but I had no summer activities other than visiting my re...
Have you ever had those days, where eventhough you are torn to peices you manage to suck it up and stitch the best smile you can find among ...