sábado, 16 de julio de 2011

My Room : Limited Entrance!

So today my aunt told me about some of her husband's extended family coming to town and they expect to see the baby. I thought "Great! Now I'll have to stay in my room until they leave!". It's not that I am anti-social, it's just that I don't like meeting people. Okay, I am a little anti-social, but this is besides the point.

So the people arrived, I thought only grown-ups were coming since thhe baby is just 9 days old. To my surprise 5 kids came. FIVE...five! Did I mention FIVE kids came? I hate little kids!  Well I don't hate little kids I just don't enjoy their company when they misbehave or WHEN I ENTER MY ROOM AND THE FIRRST THING I SEE IS A LITTLE GIRL PLAYING WITH MY STUFF!!

Yes, they entered and did what they pleased. My clothes were on the floor, my hair accesories were worn by them, my purple wig on the floor...well a complete mess!!

I politely told them to go away but in my mind I had already spanked the five of them.

PS.I don't hate kids, I just hate when they enter my room and make a mess....

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